Kirika's Notes

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Specify Java HTTP auth schema

Properties sysProps = System.getProperties();

sysProps.setProperty("http.auth.preference", "digest");

Friday, March 19, 2010

RedHat TFTP Settings


作者: TFTP 点击: 2167

Redhat Linux下tftp服务器配置其实很容易。现以RedHat 7.3为例说明。
1. 如何启动tftp服务?1
执行ntsysv命令,选中tftp服务,再执行service xinetd restart命令。tftp服务就启动了,容易吧。

2. 如何下载文件?

service tftp
disable = no
socket_type = dgram
protocol = udp
wait = yes
user = root
server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
server_args = -s /tftpboot
per_source = 11
cps = 100 2

这就是tftp的配置文件,其中,server_args = -s /tftpboot是tftp服务器运行时的参数。-s /tftpboot表示服务器默认的目录是 /tftpboot,当你执行put a.txt时,文件会被放到服务器的/tftpboot/a.txt,省去你敲put a /tftpboot/的麻烦。你也可以加其它服务器运行参数到这,具体可以执行man tftpd命令查阅。


3. 如何上传文件?
>cd /
>chmod 777 tftpboot
>cd tftpboot
>chmod 777 *

上传文件用put命令,但是默认情况下,只能上传远程tftp服务器已有的文件,例如,在tftp服务器上有/tftpboot /a.txt这个文件,你可以执行
>put a.txt

>cd /tftpboot
>touch a.txt
>chmod 666 *

打开/etc/xinetd.d/tftp 文件,在 server_args 增加-c参数,如下所示:

service tftp
disable = no
socket_type = dgram
protocol = udp
wait = yes
user = root
server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
server_args = -s /tftpboot -c
per_source = 11
cps = 100 2

>service xinetd restart

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fedora 11 ADSL

1. Download RP-PPPoE.

2. Compile the package.

3. Setup
> pppoe-setup

Seednet DNS servers:

4. Start ADSL
> pppoe-start

5. Stop ADSL
> pppoe-stop

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My X Window Applications

X Server on Win32 => Xming

SlickEdit => KScope

UltraEdit => Kate

WinMerge => Meld

SVN Client => kdesvn

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Vim Cscope

1. Generate filelist
> find -name '*.c' > cscope.files
> find -name '*.h' >> cscope.files
> find -name '*.cc' >> cscope.files
> find -name '*.cpp' >> cscope.files

2. Build Cscope database
> cscope -b -q -k

3. Use Vim to open source file. It's possible to use Cscope inside Vim.
: cs (help)
: cs find c aim_config_set_int (find all functions that call aim_config_set_int)

Vim Function List


ShowFunc.vim : Creates a list of all tags / functions from a window, all windows or buffers.

Default Key Mappings:
Run scan and open cwindow.

To reassign add the following to your .vimrc:
map NewKey ShowFunc
map! NewKey ShowFunc
For example to change the mapping to
map ShowFunc
map! ShowFunc

ShowFunc Window commands:
c Close cwindow.
h Display help dialog.
r Refresh.
s Change file sort, results will appear in either alphabetical or file order. (Default: file order)
t Change scan type, results will be from either the current file, all open windows or all open buffers. (Default: all open buffers)

install details
Put this file in the vim plugins directory (~/.vim/plugin/) to load it automatically, or load it with :so ShowFunc.vim.

Vim CTags


[建立 tag 檔]
在所解開的 source code 目錄下,下以下指令:
> ctags -R *

[一般的 tag 使用]
如果就照上一節的方式產生 tag files,那麼只要在 source code 目錄下由 vim 去開啟檔案的話,會自動載入 tags 這個檔案,無需另行載入,否則要由 :set tags=your.tags 來指定 tags 檔。然後就是照一般使用 Vim 線上說明一樣,游標移到識別字或函數名上,按 Ctrl+],要回到原處就按 Ctrl+T。

請注意,Vim 啟動時,工作目錄(vim 啟動時的所在目錄)名為 tags 的檔案會自動載入,$VIMRUNTIME/doc 及 $HOME/.vim/doc 目錄下的 tags 檔也會自動載入。而且,凡是載入的 tags 檔裡頭所有標誌文字都可以使用補全鍵來補全,別忘了這個好用的功能。

Friday, March 13, 2009

Lifebook U1010 Drivers

Friday, February 20, 2009

RedHat Version

> cat /etc/redhat-release